My name is Serge, I am 51 years old. A little “manager”, and enough “Geek” to make this blog 🙂.
At 38, I almost had a car accident while falling asleep at the wheel… I became aware of my sleep problems. I suffered from daily fatigue, I yawned all day, my nights were restless, interrupted, I had snoring, as well as insomnia! The total !
From that date, I began to take an interest in the subjects of falling asleep and the quality of sleep.
After consulting an doctor, sleep specialist, he also detected me, sleep apnea!
Well, with all this, I had to act! This blog will tell you about my itinerary.
Today, I fall asleep very easily, I no longer wake up 4 times in the night, I have significantly reduced my snoring. And I went from 30 apneas per hour to 20, with a very noticeable improvement in my deep sleep.
However, I regularly discover and test new products that still have a positive (or zero) impact. I will share it with you in this blog.
Why this blog ?
When I wanted to obtain information on the Internet, I did not get exhaustive, concise and pragmatic answers on these issues. I tried, in all humility, to be as clear as possible.
I hope this site can answer some of your questions.
Good reading !